Improve and validate existing 3D numerical tools to predict ice accretion in App C, App O and Snow conditions.
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Improve and validate existing 3D numerical tools to predict ice accretion in App C, App O and Snow conditions.
Upgrade and calibrate icing wind tunnels to allow reproduction of:
Build a large-scale experimental database on representative 3D configurations to be used as a solid reference (“ground truth”) for future numerical tools validation.
The ICE GENESIS project participated in a joint session with other icing dedicated projects SENS4ICE and MUSIC-haic at the SAE 2023 conference in Vienna on 23rd June 2023.
The ICE GENESIS final public workshop will take place in central Toulouse on 5-6-7 December 2023.
ICE GENESIS held its public workshop at RTA in Vienna on 3rd November 2022.
The ICE GENESIS project is being carried out by a consortium (led by AIRBUS OPERATION SAS) made up of 30 EU and non-EU partners from 9 countries (France, Austria, Italy, UK, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and Japan).
Each ICE GENESIS partner offers the multi-disciplinary expertise which is required in order to impact the aeronautical sector and to provide the expertise needed to meet the expectations from the participants, the industry and the European Commission.
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